The first night sleeping in her big bed (Tuesday night into Wednesday morning) went very well. Reece slept all night in the bed but had an earlier "rise and shine" than normal - 5:30am as oppossed to 7 or 7:30. I think as soon as the sun light hit the room and she saw where she was she freaked out. It wasn't an all out cry...more like stirring and whinning. A huge positive was that she never got down off the bed. I let this go on until 6:15 until she started crying and saying "mama". When I went in and saw her sitting on that big bed, we both started crying! I laid down with her and held her and told her what a big girl she was and proud I was of her. I cheered and continued to praiser her half the morning. Then while she was playing that morning, she managed to put her crocs on both feet - and on the right feet (she has the one with the permanent strap on the back which is difficult to put on). Again, I cried when seeing this as I can't believe how big she is getting. It's all great but sad to see her grow up so fast. And bringing home a new baby will probably make her grow up even faster.
So after getting up at 5:30, Reece was ready for a nap just after 8am. I put her down in her new big bed and believe it or not she waved and puckered up for a kiss! She wimpered for a second as I walked away, but as soon as I shut the door, she was out for the count for an hour and a half nap! I was amazed. And when she woke, she never got out of the bed. I cheered again and told her how proud I was of her. She went down for her afternoon nap around 1. She did the wave and kiss and this time, not a peep. She only slept for an hour but I was still happy and proud for what we accomplished. Of course, this time when I went up to get her, she cheered and clapped before I got the chance! Last night, she went to bed without a sound and slept until 8am this morning! I actually had to go and wake her so that we could be somewhere by 8:30. We were gone all day so she did not nap at home. But tonight she was tired by 7:30 so up we went. She waved and puckered up and went right to sleep! So it looks like we have completed this big accomplishment in her early little life!
I can't help but be proud of her but a little sad too. I feel like we just kicked her out of the only room and bed/crib she has known. But she has a new awesome room and bed and in the long run it will be best for all of us.
So what's the next project for us? Potty training? The last 3 days when Reece goes...well...number 2...she shows me that she is going by squatting and pointing to her crotch. I feel like this might be an opportunity to try. Tonight I thought I caught her in time to put her on the potty, but she already went in her we dumped it in, flushed and waved bye-bye to it. She thought that was pretty cool. Wouldn't it be wonderful to only have 1 in diapers instead of 2??? It's worth a shot I think! I'll keep you posted on that.