Baby Stats:
Location: Head down (not breech)
Current est weight - 5lbs 15 ounces
Tummy measurement - 35 weeks
Leg measurement - 35 weeks
Head measurement - Priceless...okay kind of...40 weeks, 2 days and growing! This was what they call the DP measurment (whatever that is) and the circumference of the head is measuring about 37 weeks.
This kid is going to have a big noggin (more brains)! Doc said normal or average head size at delivery is 9'2 cm and my baby is 9'7cm already. So it's a good thing I am having a c-section. We are hoping for lots of hair and/or BIG hats or bows!
Mom Stats:
I am 35 weeks pregnant but belly is measuring only at 32 weeks. This is because I am carrying deep. Because we measured the baby and everything is fine, they are not concerned that I am small. Total weight gain = 23 lbs.
C-section has been scheduled for Monday 10/6 unless I go before. With a head size that big, I could go into labor but maybe not. Reece had a big noggin too (12'5 cm according to her chart)and I didn't go into labor (remember, these big noggins run in the family). I go weekly from here on out and have an appointment next Thursday. If I am dilated, I am not sure what the doctor will do. I will keep you posted.
New pics:
Top two are of the face looking at us. One on the left you can see the chub-chub cheek under the eye and it's looking can see the pupil of the eye if you look closely. The right one, the baby is looking right at us (again, scary).
Bottom two are of the feet. The one on the left...see the top of the head next to it? The baby is head down, back and body go around my left side and feet are curled around down towards the head. He/she is pretty crammed in there but appears to be nice and cozy!