Thursday, October 2, 2008

Reece 18 month appointment/Mommy 38 week appointment

Reece had her 18 month appointment today. She is of course growing and very smart :) She got the flu shot this time and won't have any other shots until april (when she is 2, can you believe that)?? She very much knew what they were going to do this time when the lady used the cotton ball to wipe the spot on her leg. But it was quick and just a few tears. I told her I would probably cry at my doctor appointment too so we could call it even.

Reece's stats

Height - 32 and 1/4 inches (70%)

Weight - 24 lbs 5 ounces (50%)

Head circumference - 18 3/4 (80%)

At my doctor appointment...looks like I lost a pound which is always a blessing (especially after all the ice cream I have been eating lately) and is also a supposed sign of labor. I lost like 3 lbs at the end with Reece and never went into labor. I am measuring at 36 weeks. Looks like I am still at about 1 cm dilated but I am pretty much fully effaced (100%). Usually after effacement, you dilate much faster because the cervix is paper thin (as opposed to 4cm in length before effacement). She also said the head is super low and engaged at zero station. Zero station means that the baby's head has dropped or engaged well into the pelvis. So how's that for learning something today?? She said that it's a shame that I can't deliver vaginally because I am the perfect candidate based on how my baby is positioned and I am pretty much ready to go as soon as I dilate (figures). She said if anything changes (gross details I won't've had enough education for the day, right?) over the weekend, I will need to come into the hospital and be checked. If I have dilated, they will need to deliver! I am sure everything will go as planned for Tuesday though. You'll be hearing something soon either way!!! Baby is moving around well and heartbeat was 145.

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