Some of you may or may not know that this pregnancy, we are NOT finding out what we are having. I still like to look into all the silly myths and make predictions though! I am pretty good at predicting what others are having but I wasn't good at predicting Reece. I am curious to see what you think so I am posting voting options to the top right. Here is a little back ground info:
1st pregnancyFirst craving: Pancakes, fruit
Complexion: Not clear (face, back and arms)
Food Aversions: Veggies
Cravings: Anything sweet - oreos, coffee, icecream, fruit
Baby's heartbeat: 164-167
Weight gain 1st trimester: 8 to 10lbs
Clothes fit?: Out of regular jeans at 8 weeks
Sickiness: None
Chinese Birth Chart said: depends on which one you ask...first one I found said boy but after I found out she was a girl, I did some research and found one that said girl. This prego, I used that one....
Timing of ovulation and conception: Boy
2 pregnancyFirst craving: Blueberry muffins and then pancakes
Complextion: Face is clear
Food Aversions: Bananas
Cravings: Cheeseburgers, bacon, cheese
Baby's heartbeat: 145-152
Weight gain (1st tri): 3lbs
Clothes fit?: YEP still wearing regular jeans!!!!
Sickness?: None - sometimes toothbrush gags me and dirty diapers
Chinese Birth Chart: Girl
Timing of ovulation and conception: based on this, I think it should be a girl but I am not really sure when I ovulated this schedule was a little whacked! Guess there is always a 50/50 "shot" anyways!
I had an appointment this week - 14 weeks. Heartbeat was at 145-152 with the baby being active. He/she was moving around and hitting the doppler like crazy. Total weight gain is 6lbs at this point. With Reece I had gained around 10 or so and my pants didn't fit because of my butt and legs. This time I am still in my regular pants and I do have a little pooch popping out a bit. I go back May 16 and will be 18 weeks. I'll go 2 weeks after that for the sono. I will continue to update you! C-section is scheduled for 10/9!!!