Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Half way done!

Today I am 18 weeks pregnant with baby 2! This is half way done for me with the scheduled c-section. I had my regularly scheduled appointment today (every 4 weeks). I unexpectedly had to go in Monday due to some contractions I started having last week. They are just Braxton Hicks but I thought it was a little early to be having them. So I called the doctor on Monday morning just to see what they thought. I told them I had an appointment scheduled for today and I was okay with waiting but they wanted to see me right away. They hooked me up to some monitors to see if they could catch any contractions…I didn’t have any while I was there. They told me that since my body had done this before (being pregnant) and it wasn’t that long ago, that I might not be able to do as many things as I did when I was pregnant with Reece. With Reece I was working out 3 to 4 times a week, push mowing our ¾ acre lot, painting, shoveling…you name it. With this one I haven’t had time…or the energy to do as many things. But I did notice the most contractions Saturday when I was the busiest…worked out and stood in the kitchen cooking for an hour, walked around at the car show, etc. My back was hurting and I was wore out…I felt like I did at the end with Reece! Basically what I have to do is report to them if I have more contractions. If I feel some, I need to drink 2 big glasses of water and go lay on my left side. She (Dr. G’s nurse) is not restricting me from anything (besides the action that got us here in the first place) and said that she wouldn’t unless I continue having them. If that happens, they will “check” me…if no dilation, it’s a shot in the butt every week until week 37…if dilation…its bed rest! So let’s pray that we don’t have to go that route. On Monday the heart beat was right at 150.

They had me come in today for my regular appointment. The heartbeat was low 140’s (Reece was always in the 160’s) and the baby was moving all around hitting the Doppler. She (Doc G’s nurse) said my uterus is right where it should be measuring right on 18 weeks. She said the reason my lower back is hurting like it did at the end with Reece is because I am probably carrying differently. She said I appeared to be growing up and straight out as opposed to carrying in my butt, legs and side to side (like last time)…which she said could mean boy along with the heartbeats…but what do they know! Total weight gain so far is around 8lbs. I go back in 2 weeks for the sono…where we could find out, but aren’t!

Leave me some comments…it’s funny to see all these votes…I don’t even know who’s voting (I didn’t think that many people knew about the blog)…a lot of you think girl….curious to see the reasoning behind the votes. It’s funny all the stories I have been hearing lately… “I think girl because you aren’t showing much”…then someone else said “I think boy because you aren’t showing much and can still wear your regular jeans”. All experiences are different I guess but it’s fun to hear everyone’s opinions…ever hear of the Drain-o test? That’s the funniest one I have heard yet!

Since we didn’t share names last time but knew it was a girl, we called her “Betty Bauer”. So I think it’s only fair that we think of a nick name for this baby…any ideas?

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