Monday, May 12, 2008

Oh where oh where has that number 2 gone?

Reece likes to throw all her toys over her head during bath time. This time the number "2" landed on her head and just kind of stayed there for the whole bath. See if you can find it in each picture.

Nope, Piglet doesn't have it...
It's not under the boat...
It's not outside the tub...hmmm...

Speaking of number 2...Before bath time each night, I strip Reece down and she likes to take a couple of hot laps throughout the house - naked. This is a fun game for her and she loves it when you chase her. On this particular night, she made her usual trip around the house and then instead of the "chase game" she ran in and got her favorite book (the one with Bo and Kennedy's pictures in it). She picked it up and showed it to me. She squated down to read it, pointed to Bo and looked at me...while doing this she proceeded to go number "2" on the new carpet (unfortunatley, I am not talking rabbit droppings either)...I screamed and she got up like it was nothing and ran to the bath room for tub time. I put her on the potty (like I do every night before bath time) to show her where to go next time. She laughed and then threw her paci in...I don't think she is ready for potty training quite yet...although she has the "I am not embarrassed to go in front of you" down pretty well!

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