Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who's your Daddy?

Currently, I am doing a Bible Study called "Do you think I'm Beautiful?" by Angela Thomas.  So far (only on week 2) it is mostly about how we as women fill ourselves up with things that we think make us whole instead of looking to God to fill us up and make us whole.  I know I have personally done this for years using things like men, friends, and "stuff".  Others use parents, children, food and other addictions as well.  It says "The Lord created us with an empty spot inside only He can fill.  No man can do what the Savior is supposed to do in your life.  You can still be made whole even if your earthly father didn't give you what he should have.  Your children can never fill you up and make you whole.  Girlfriends can't ever be enough to be the savior your empty place needs.  New stuff doesn't even give you a taste of being filled by God.  The only way is the God way!"

"Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus on his love, to be made whole and holy by his love" Ephesians 1:4-5

I am not going to write much this week as I have to prepare for the March 6th conference.  I wanna put God first in my life but I don't want to neglect my family in the process.  So I am going to write out what I recieved from another study I did in the fall.  I am not really sure who wrote it but I know Priscilla Shirer recited it in the "Annointed, Transformed, Redeemed" study...I don't know if she wrote it or someone else did.

Who's your Daddy?
He is the first and the last
He is the beginning and the end
He is the keeper of creation
He is the creator of all
He is the architect of the universe
He is the manager of all time
He always was, always is, and always will be
He is unmoved, unchanged, undefeated, never undone
He was bruised but brought healing
He was pierced but eased pain
He was persecuted but brought freedom
He was dead and brings life
He is risen to bring power
He is raised to bring peace

The world cannot understand Him
Armies cannot defeat Him
Schools cannot explain Him
Leaders cannot ignore Him
Herod couldn't kill Him
Nero couldn't crush Him
New Age cannot replace Him
Oprah cannot explain Him away
He is life
The Lord
His ways are right
His word is eternal
His will is unchanging
His mind is on us
He is our Savior
Our guide
Our peace
Our joy
Our comfort
Our Lord
He rules our lives

I serve Him because
His bond is love
His yoke is easy
His burden is light
His goal for us is abundant life

I follow Him because
He is the wisdom of the wise
The power of the powerful
The ancient of days
The ruler of rulers
The leader of all leaders
His goal is a relationship with me
He will never leave you
Never forsake you
Never mislead you
Never forget you
Never overlook you
Never cancel your appointment in His appointment book - NEVER!

When you fall he will lift you up
When you fail He will forgive you
When you are weak He is strong
when you are lost He is your way
When you are afaid He is your courage
When you stumble He will steady you
When you are hurt He's going to heal you
When you are broken He will mend you
When you are blind He will lead you
When you are hungry He will feed you
When you face trials He is with you
When I face persecution he shields me
When I face problems He will comfort me
When I face loss He will provide for me
When we face death He will carry us all home to be with Him

He is everything
For everybody
Every time
And in every way

He is your God and YOU belong to HIM!

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