Monday, June 30, 2008

Children's Discovery Museum

Today we went to lunch in downtown Normal with our friends Kim and Eliana. After lunch we went to the Children's Discovery Museum because today they had free admission. We had so much fun exploring. There was so much to see that we will have to go back a few more times just to see and explore it all.

Here is Eli and I in the truck at the drive up window of the "shop n' go". We got to hear all the noises a truck makes. Apparently little boys don't think little girls should be in you can see we weren't moving for the boys waiting...instead we just bat our eyes and look pretty.

Here I am at the kid cafe on top of the "shop n' go" store.

Here's Eli and I at the water table. I really started "making a splash" when mommy said I wasn't allowed to get in and swim in it, so we had to move onto something else. the grain bins just like daddy's work. We got to put grain in the little chute and watch it go up.

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