Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My new Pony

Since Daddy says I cannot have a real pony, mommy says we can do this new thing with my hair called a "pony". I don't really understand it but mommy says it's real cute. All I know is that it hurts real bad to get a "fake" pony so maybe I don't really want a real one!
I sure love mashed potatos...
The only real easy way to give me a pony is to wet it down and let me read a book to distract me. Then it looks kind of funny for awhile until it dries. Notice my shirt "I love carrots". I do love carrots but this carrot looks way different from the carrots I eat. Mommy says there is a difference and some day I will understand. She says I will need to marry a guy that will give me lots of carrots (note from mommy - totally kidding here)...but I don't think I like them quite that much.

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