Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - MY 3 day Refresh results!!

So I have been waiting for this day for awhile.  My own personal transformation.  I have been taking before and afters for 3 years and they always look the exact same.  At least in the picture they always look the same.  Nothing worth sharing. Most of my victories have been non scale victories....like more confidence in myself, bigger arm muscles, leaner hips/thighs, and BACK MUSCLES. And I got a little ripped and had baggier pants a few times along the way.  But those ripples in my belly always fade away after I change one thing.  What ONE thing could do that?  Beer.

I admit it.  I love beer.  And while I am pretty responsible most of the time, I have gotten carried away over the last year.  I have gained 10lbs!!!  My eating has been on par and I'm killing my workouts every day.  The only thing that I didn't change was my intake of beer.  In fact it increased.  For the last year, I have had a lot of added stress in my life.  I have been homeschooling 3 years.  And while it has been such a great blessing, it is still stressful and adds a lot of pressure to me.  My businesses have doubled in size from last year and while this is amazing and what most people want, it can be hard to balance it all. My marriage is struggling.  Sometimes life can be too much. Some people turn to food...I turn to exercise and alcohol.  By 4:00 most days I am ready to unwind and get something to relax me a little.  A beer does that.  And for awhile, it was just one beer.  And then it became much more than that.  I can have one and walk away no problem.  But once I get past two or more, I just keep going.

Now granted most of the time, I have beers in my own neighborhood. I'm safe in my home and I hit the sack early.  I get up early every day no matter what and I am back on my schedule...read, workout, school, etc.  I drink 100 ounces of water a day.  I am very productive and I don't think that my choice has affected most areas of my life.  But it most certainly has affected my waist line in the past year. Being over 35 is another factor.   But every time I cut the beer out, the weight comes off.

This picture is proof of it: 

The left picture was the Monday after Fourth of July weekend (the 6th)...totally belly bloat. The right picture was taken when I woke up on July 9th day with a flat belly with some abs slightly showing again.  I was so happy!!  Gotta stick with it!
I showed my good friend these pictures and she asked me if I was faking it in the first one.  She said "there's no way your belly has ever been that big".  What can I say?? I hide it well and am totally embarrassed by it!  So what do you all think??  Worth it??

With the 3 refresh, my belly bloat went way down. My cravings were different.  After the refresh I still wanted big salads.  I had so much energy.  My mood was different.  I just felt happy.  Was it hard?  YES!  But was it worth it?  YES.  It's only 3 days.

Need help getting back on track?   I am looking for a few more people to join my next 30 day challenge starting Monday July 28th! Message me now to get started and have GREAT results like this!!

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