Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Discovering things...

At the Children's Discovery Museum. I remember going the Children's Discovery Museum the day after Thanksgiving last year. Brody was like 6 weeks old and slept the whole time and I had to excuse myself to nurse him in the backseat of our car (yes, the windows are tinted and I was fully covered). This year he practly' owns the place. It's amazing how far they come in one year.

Good thing they like trains...we got them one for Christmas! (Good thing they don't read either!)

Reece has always been a climber. She loved climbing up in this thing (which might I add goes up to the 3rd floor). I was a little fearful that she would get stuck, scared, etc and want me to come rescue her...I don't think I would have been able to!

I could not get her away from the painting area...she loves being creative. Luckily for Brody there were trucks right outside this window with a wide open floor to push them around. He had a blast.

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